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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 20-78    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/10/2020 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 6/9/2020 Final action:
Title: Public Hearing: Adoption of a Resolution Overruling Protests and Ordering that the Alternative Method for the Levy of Benefit Assessment be Made Applicable to the City of Santa Clara Parking Maintenance District No. 122 - Franklin Square [Council Pillar: Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Director's Report FY 2020/21, 3. Resolution of Intention, 4. Notice of Public Hearing, 5. RESOLUTION, 6. ECOMMENTS
Public Hearing: Adoption of a Resolution Overruling Protests and Ordering that the Alternative Method for the Levy of Benefit Assessment be Made Applicable to the City of Santa Clara Parking Maintenance District No. 122 - Franklin Square [Council Pillar: Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]

Parking Maintenance District No. 122 was formed in 1965 to maintain parking lots, arcades, fountains, sidewalks, landscaping, irrigation, lights, and utilities within Franklin Square, which is bounded by Benton Street, Homestead Road (formerly known as Liberty Street), Monroe Street, and Jackson Street. From 1965 - 2002, the cost of maintenance and operation of Parking Maintenance District No. 122 was divided between the City and property owners. In 2002, the City Council passed a motion at a public hearing in which the City assumed all future costs for operation and maintenance. Under this alternative collection method, the property owners contribute annually to pay for capital repairs of the parking lot and associated walkways. The annual contribution totals $14,200 less the earned interest on the accumulating balance. The City, through the General Fund, is responsible for covering the annual maintenance.

On April 7, 2020, Council adopted Resolution 20-8829 related to the proposed maintenance assessments for Parking Maintenance District No. 122. In addition, the Resolution established June 2, 2020 as the date that City Council would hear testimony and act upon the attached Resolution (Attachment 1) and Director's Report (Attachment 2). Due to the subsequent cancellation of the June 2 Council Meeting, an amended Resolution of Intention (Attachment 3) was adopted on May 26, 2020, rescheduling the Public Hearing to June 9, 2020.

The proposed FY 2020/21 assessment to property owners will be $10,374. Accrued interest earned in FY 2018/19 in the amount of $3,826 will be used to...

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