Adopt Ordinance No. 1978 Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Development Agreement with SI 55, LLC, for 2200, 2211 and 2231 Lawson Lane
Proposed Ordinance No. 1978 was passed for the purpose of publication on April 3, 2018. Pursuant to City Charter Sections 808 and 812, proposed Ordinance No. 1978 was published on April 11, 2018 and copies were posted in at least three public places.
The proposed ordinance would allow a two-year extension to an existing Development Agreement (DA) with SI 55, LLC (a subsidiary of the Sobrato Organization), to June 4, 2020, for the construction of a corporate campus project at 2200-2231 Lawson Lane. The Developer has already constructed 306,900 square feet (sf) of office space in two buildings, currently occupied by the Service Now company. The DA allows the Developer to construct an additional 306,900 sf in two additional buildings. In exchange for the extension, the DA commits Sobrato to paying regional traffic fees and water connection fees, achieving LEED Gold building standards, installing electric vehicle parking, and establishing a Transportation Demand Management program to reduce vehicle trips by 10%.
An Addendum to the 2008 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and 2013 Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Lawson Lane Development Agreement Extension Project was prepared in accordance with CEQA. The addendum concludes that no substantive revisions are needed to the 2008 FEIR or 2013 MND. The previously adopted Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program remains in effect for the project.
The DA extension commits the Developer to paying an additional $767,250 in regional traffic fees, and the Developer will be subject to the City's new water connection fee, which has yet to be fixed. In earlier phases, the Developer paid $613,800 in local traffic fees and made a $100,000 contribution to the housing trust fund.
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