Update on Agrihood project located at 1834 Worthington Circle / 90 North Winchester: Disposition and Development Agreement and Project Approvals
In 2015, a Request for Proposals was issued by the City for the development of a 5.8-acre City-owned site formerly known as the BAREC property, located at 1834 Worthington Circle / 90 North Winchester. In September 2015, CORE (Developer) was selected as the developer of the project. The Developer has been working with the City to process its entitlements and to negotiate the terms of a Disposition and Development Agreement. The purpose of this report and the study session is to provide background on the project together with a summary of current activity and next steps.
In 2005, the former Redevelopment Agency executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (2005 PSA) with the State of California / Department of General Services (State) to acquire a 5.8-acre vacant site located at 90 N. Winchester Boulevard (Property). The Property was a portion of the 17-acre Bay Area Research and Extension Center (BAREC) owned by the State of California. The balance of the property was sold by the State to SummerHill homes for the Midtown Village project. The terms of the Redevelopment Agency's Purchase and Sale Agreement with the State required that the site be developed with approximately 165 senior affordable housing units.
In 2007, the Council granted multi-family zoning approval for a senior affordable housing project on the property. The 2007 affordable project, as planned at the time, required a subsidy from the Redevelopment Agency. The State transferred the property to the City's Housing Authority on January 5, 2012. As required under the 2005 Purchase and Sale Agreement, the Grant Deed contained a provision that required the Housing Authority to start construction of the project by January 5, 2015 or ownership of the property would return to the State...
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