Healthier Kids Foundation FY2017-18 Third Quarter Report
In June 2016, Council approved three years of support for Healthier Kids Foundation (HKF) in the amount of $70,000 per year for services focused on vision and dental screenings, and health education programs for Santa Clara residents. The City's annual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with HKF requires quarterly updates. The third quarter report for FY2017-18 is attached.
According to the report submitted by HKF, HKF's progress toward accomplishment of its annual measurable objectives continues, including: Vision First screenings at 84% of goal, Hearing First screenings at 60% of goal, Dental First screenings at 27% of goal, and attendance at 10 Steps for Parents at 62% of goal. We anticipate accomplishment of the annual measurable objectives for this fiscal year. In comparison, by the end of the last fiscal year, HKF had exceeded goals with Vision First screenings at 148% of goal, Dental First screenings at 118% of goal, and attendance at 10 Steps for Parents 142% of goal.
HKF participated in this year's Santa Clara Easter Egg Hunt. They were able to provide resources and screenings on site. HKF provided 103 dental screens and 100 vision screens to children. The City of Santa Clara Challenge Team continues to bring stakeholders together to discuss the health and wellness of Santa Clara's Youth. The Challenge Team meets on the second Wednesday of every month from 12:30- 1:30 PM at the Community Recreation Center (969 Kiely Bld., Santa Clara, CA 95051).
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