Informational Report on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Campaign for Transformative Projects and Stevens Creek/West San Carlos Corridor Study
On August 25, 2017, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) was asked by five members of the VTA's Board of Directors (Liccardo, Jones, O'Neill, Vaidhyanathan, and Yeager) to scope studies for transit options and complete street implementation on the Stevens Creek/West San Carlos Corridor from Highway 85 in Cupertino through Santa Clara to Diridon Station in San Jose. This corridor is a heavily utilized vehicular route and is expected to experience increased traffic demands due to planned development growth in San Jose as well as the soon to be fully occupied Apple Campus 2 project in Cupertino. On September 12, 2017, at the end of a study session regarding the City of San Jose's Urban Villages, the Santa Clara City Council approved outreach efforts for the formation of a Stevens Creek Urban Village Task Force with the mayors and council members from the cities of Santa Clara, Cupertino, San Jose, and Campbell. On January 18, 2018, the VTA responded to the August 25, 2017 request with a suggested scope of services to study transportation options for Stevens Creek Boulevard.
On June 22, 2018, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) announced an 11-week campaign to solicit big, bold and billon-dollar ideas from individuals, companies, public agencies, and nongovernmental organizations for improving mobility across the nine-county Bay Area. Officially known as the Request for Transformative Projects, the campaign is part of the Horizon initiative launched earlier this year by MTC and ABAG to explore a wide range of challenges and opportunities the Bay Area may face by 2050. Official submissions are due to the MTC by September 6, 2018. A panel of engineers and transportation planners will e...
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