Action on a Conditional Use Permit and Architectural Review for a New Lincoln Dealership at 3155 Stevens Creek Boulevard (CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration)
File No.: PLN21-15129
Project: Use Permit and Architectural Review to remodel an existing auto showroom and construct a new service center facility and stacker parking for a New Lincoln Dealership.
Applicant: Myron Schlager
Owner: Sorich & Lasher LLC
General Plan: Regional Commercial
Zoning: Thoroughfare Commercial (CT)
Site Area: 1.1 acres
Existing Site Conditions: The project site contains an existing two-story auto showroom and service center facility built in 2003 totaling approximately 16,354 square feet.
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Single-Family Residential
East: Commercial Retail
South: Commercial Retail in San Jose
West: Commercial Auto Retail
Issues: Consistency with the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), Use Permit, and Architectural Review to remodel an existing auto showroom and construct a new service center facility and automated stacker parking, subject to findings and conditions of approval.
The Applicant, Myron Schlager, filed an application on August 19, 2021, requesting a Use Permit (File No. PLN21-15129) and Architectural Review to renovate an existing auto showroom and construct a new service center facility and automated stacker parking for a new Lincoln automobile dealership. The current site was occupied by the former Subaru dealership that has moved to the adjacent parcel west of the subject site.
The project site is located along the City of Santa Clara's southern City limit bordering the City of San Jose across Stevens Creek Boulevard to the south. The site is currently occupied by an auto sales dealership and surface parking. The subjec...
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