Action to Modify Engineering Aide (Electric) Class Specification (Job Code 460A) [SR1]and Retitle to Engineering Technician (Electric) (Job Code 460A)
The Human Resources Department proposes to modify the classification (class) specification for Engineering Aide (Electric) (Job Code 460A). The request for Commission approval of the modification is based on Personnel & Salary Resolution Sec. 6(d) which states, "Classification specifications for positions in the Classified Service must first be approved and adopted by the City of Santa Clara Civil Service Commission before they may be approved and adopted by the City Council."
The proposed revisions to the Engineering Aide (Electric) (Job Code 460A) class specification include a retitle to Engineering Technician (Electric) (Job Code 460A), minor updates to the Summary section and administrative updates to add a Distinguishing Characteristics section, lower Minimum Qualifications/Education requirement from Associate's degree to High School Diploma to align with lateral classifications (Engineering Aide (Job Code 460) and Engineering Aide (Fiber) (Job Code 460F), added and defined post-secondary education as a substitution for the experience requirement in the Minimum Qualifications/Education and Experience section, clarifying language added to the Minimum Qualifications/Education section and Desirable Qualifications section, and administrative language updates to Minimum Qualifications, Typical Duties and Knowledge, Skills and Abilities sections.
These revisions were reviewed with the impacted bargaining group.
The action being considered does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the...
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