Action on Bills and Claims Report (CC) for the period August 3rd - August 30th
Disbursements made by the City are based on invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure they are reflective of the goods or services provided. Invoices are usually paid within 30 days of receipt of an accurate invoice. As the final step, the City Auditor, or his/her designee verifies all documents before payment is issued. Payments are issued through accounts payable checks and wire transfers. It's important to note that items that pertain to the Stadium Authority are billed to the Stadium Manager (ManCo) to pay on behalf of the Stadium Authority for Non-NFL events and the 49ers for NFL events.
The Bills and Claims Report represents the cash disbursements required for operations of the City during the period. The report reflects the payment date, invoice number, description of the payment, funding source, and payment amount for all invoices. The budget control is set by the City Council through the budget adoption process.
Significant expenditures in this time period include:
* Payment to Northern California Power Agency in the amount of $11,012,840 for August 2018 all resources bill.
* Payment to City of San Jose Revenue Management in the amount of $6,134,238 for 1st quarter capital billing, and 1st quarter operations and maintenance related to the Regional Wastewater Facility.
* Payment to Tri-Dam Power Authority/Project in the amount of $4,019,733 for July 2018 energy purchase.
* Payment to MSR Public Power Agency in the amount of $3,904,435 for June, July and August 2018 power purchases for San Juan and Big Horn project energy and shaping fee.
* Payment to Friant Power Authority in the amount of $2,035,961 for July 2018 energy purchase.
* Payment to Manzana Wind LLC in the amount of $1,592,587 for June and July 2018 energy purchase.
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