Acceptance of the Planning Commission's recommendations for the CityPlace Santa Clara Project located at 5155 Stars and Stripes Drive, et. al., on an approximately 240 acre site. (APNS: 104-03-036, 104-03-037, 104-03-038, 104-03-039, 104-01-102, 097-01-039, and 097-01-073) [PLN2014-10554, CEQ2014-01180, SCH#2014072078] and approval of the following actions, subject to conditions:
1) Adoption of a Resolution approving and certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and adopting California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP);
2) Adoption of a Resolution approving the General Plan Amendment #83 to change the land use designation from Parks/Open Space and Regional Commercial to Urban Center/Entertainment District; changes to Figure 2.3-1 Areas of Potential Development and Table 8.6-2 Proposed Development (Approved, Not Constructed and Pending Projects) and make related minor...