Action on Use Permit for ABC License Type 47 for Happy Hooligans restaurant at 1686 Lafayette Street
Project: Use Permit to allow on-site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages (ABC Type 47 License) for a new Happy Hooligans restaurant at 1686 Lafayette Street.
Applicant: Kevin Young
Property Owner: Anne Doan
General Plan: Very Low Density Residential
Zoning: Thoroughfare Commercial (CT)
Site Area: 1,100sf restaurant on a 11,451sf lot
Existing Site Conditions: Existing commercial space with and surface parking lot
Surrounding Land Uses:
North: Single-family residences
South: Residential uses
East: Industrial uses
West: Residential uses
Issues: Consistency with the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the resolution approving the Use Permit, subject to conditions of approval
The applicant is requesting a Use Permit to allow on-site sale and consumption of alcohol (ABC License Type 47) in a new Happy Hooligans restaurant at 1686 Lafayette Street. The restaurant occupies a 1,100 square foot commercial space at the southwest corner of Lafayette Street and Reeve Street. The restaurant will provide 12 indoor seats.
Happy Hooligans restaurant is a full-service vegan restaurant. The proposed restaurant hours of operation, along with the sale and service of alcohol, are from 11:30 am to 8:30 pm daily. Happy Hooligans restaurant does not propose any live entertainment uses at this location.
Consistency with the General Plan
The subject property has a General Plan designation of Very Low Density Residential. This classification is intended for residential densities of up to ten units per gross acre. Development is typically single-family in scale and character, with a prevailing building type of single-family detached dwelling units. Development in this classification maintains a feeling of suburban living with setbacks between structu...
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