Discussion and Consideration to Establish a Boards and Commission Eligibility List Policy
Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency
At the March 10, 2021 Special Council meeting, the Council directed staff to present policy options that formalize the process for establishing a Boards and Commissions eligibility list before the Board and Commission interviews, which take place on May 24, 2021. The following report provides background on the origination of the current eligibility list process and options the Council may want to consider formalizing the process.
As background, the former City Council, on April 1, 2019 decided that if any given board and commission recruitment yielded a large pool of applicants and upon the interview process the Council determined that there were multiple qualified applicants, the Council may recommend establishment of an eligibility list that may be used to fill any vacancies that occurred in the following 12 month period.
At that time, the City Council wanted the discretion to either appoint automatically upon a vacancy or interview those on the eligibility list This process allowed the Council the flexibility to automatically appoint or invite back the applicant to interview for a vacancy without doing a recruitment and interview process knowing that there was a qualified pool to fill an unanticipated vacancy.
The former Council also directed staff to formalize a policy for the Boards and Commission Recruitment, Selection, and Interview Process. Staff presented the report to the Governance Committee on September 14, 2020 and it was approved by the Committee as part of the update to the Boards and Commissions Handbook. This handbook is currently being reviewed and is scheduled to be presented to the Council in Fall/Winter 2021. This draft handbook included the eligibility list process:
Eligibility List: An eligibility list will be established at the dis...
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