Action on Donation for the Purchase, Installation, and Maintenance of a Tree at Mission City Memorial Park, and Related Budget Amendment
City Council Policy #016-Gifts to the City requires review of donation and conditions of acceptance, if any, and whether acceptance would be beneficial or burdensome to the City. Jennifer Sparacino, former City Manager and long-time City resident has offered to donate $1,635 to purchase, install, and maintain a tree at Mission City Memorial Park in honor of her late mother, Virginia Dunn. The donation supports beautifying the City's cemetery at no additional cost.
The donation has been offered with the condition that it be used to purchase, install, and maintain a tree at Mission City Memorial Park. The donation includes funds for a 24' box Tulip Magnolia tree, supplies, labor to install, annual periodic maintenance and one replacement, if necessary. The City does not foresee potential liability to the City, the donor, or the public with acceptance of the donation.
The donation would benefit the City and community as a whole by beautifying the City's cemetery, and there are no foreseen drawbacks to acceptance of the donation. Staff has determined that the FPPC Form 801 need not be prepared because the gift does not have a specific end recipient. In accordance with City Council Policy #016, and City Manager Directive #70, the staff recommends acceptance of the donation.
The donation of funds being considered does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment. If the donation is approved, the planting of the tree is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guideli...
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