Action on Award of Contract for the Agnew Road-De La Cruz Boulevard Signal Timing Project and Related Budget Amendment
On November 21, 2017, City Council approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Congestion Management Program Transportation Fund for Clean Air Agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority for a grant of $220,000 for the Agnew Road-De La Cruz Boulevard Signal Timing Project (Project). To support the grant applications for this project, the City offered a local funding match amount of $475,000 for the Project. This results in total project funding of $695,000. In August 2018, the City contracted with Kimley-Horn and Associates to perform the design work for the Project and on December 26, 2018, the Project was advertised for public bid.
This Project is designed to improve signal timing, vehicle progression, and travel times for vehicles and transit along these corridors while reducing vehicle emissions and allowing for remote monitoring of traffic signals. Specifically, the project will upgrade traffic signal controller equipment, install traffic signal communications with fiber optic cables and conduits, and implement traffic signal coordination timing on these corridors. The Project boundaries include Agnew Road from Lafayette Street to Montague Expressway and De La Cruz Boulevard from Montague Expressway to Laurelwood Road, as seen in the Project Location Map (Attachment 1).
On January 16, 2019, bids were opened for construction of the Project. Two (2) bids were received ranging from $786,053 to $1,066,928. The Bid Summary is included as Attachment 2.
The lowest bid in the amount of $786,053 submitted by Daleo, Inc., is approximately 46% above the engineer's estimate of $537,865. The bids were prepared in a competitive environment with multiple contractors bidding for the project; therefore, the bid prices reflect the current market conditi...
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