Public Hearing: Action on Catalina Residential Project located at 1375 El Camino Real
The subject application would allow rezoning of a 2.23 acre site located at 1375, 1385, and 1399 El Camino Real from Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) to Planned Development (PD) and approval of a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide three existing lots into 10 lots (PLN2017-12726 and PLN2017-12728) to facilitate development of 54 townhouse units.
The project site is on the north side of El Camino Real between Lincoln Street and Monroe Street (1375, 1385 and 1399 El Camino Real) and was previously developed with four commercial buildings occupied with automotive related businesses. The City recently approved demolition of the commercial structures to avoid potential nuisance concerns. Multi-family residential land uses are located to the north of the site across Civic Center Drive and to the south across El Camino Real. Commercial land uses are located to east and west of the site.
The project would consist of six three-story buildings each containing nine townhouse units. Each unit would include a two-car private garage and an additional 14 guest spaces would be provided as uncovered parking. Eight of the 18 units that would front on El Camino Real are proposed as live/work units. In addition, a 2,068 square-foot common open space area is proposed.
The Planning Commission considered the project on May 9, 2018 and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to approve a modified version of the requested rezoning and tentative map and subject to additional Conditions of Approval, as described below. The staff report with previous attachments and excerpt minutes from the Planning Commission meeting of May 9, 2018 are included in this report.
At the May 9 Planning Commission meeting, staff provided a presentation of the proposed project and explained the staff recommendation that the project be redu...
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