Public Hearing: Action on Early Consideration of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential for the 12.43 Acre Property Located at 3131 Homestead Road (Laguna Clara Apartments)
On May 23, 2018, Equity Residential filed a project development plan application to amend the General Plan Land Use designation for the 12.43 acre parcel located at 3131 Homestead Road. The existing General Plan designation for the site is Medium Density Residential and the site is zoned Moderate Density Multiple Dwelling (R3-25D). The site is currently developed with a 264 unit apartment complex (Laguna Clara Apartments) with 394 surface parking spaces, landscaped open space, and site amenities. The proposed Amendment would change the land use designation for the site to High Density Residential to allow intensification of the multi-family residential development on the site.
Pursuant to the City's Early Consideration Policy for General Plan Amendments, the applicant has conducted a community meeting and the project was noticed for the August 28, 2018 City Council hearing for a determination as to whether to continue processing of the General Plan Amendment request. On August 22, 2018 the applicant submitted a request that the hearing be continued to a future City Council hearing date in order to allow additional time for community engagement prior to the City Council's consideration.
While the early consideration process prescribes an initial hearing within three months of application with the goal to minimize costs and work associated with the review of a General Plan Amendment application in the case that such an amendment is not viable, the City also values community engagement and can continue at the applicant's cost to process the current application. Based upon a review of upcoming City Council meeting agendas, the November 13, 2018 City Council meeting was iden...
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