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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-336    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/19/2018 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 5/9/2018 Final action:
Title: Action on Catalina Townhouse Residential Development Project at 1375 El Camino Real
Attachments: 1. Reserved for Summary of Planning Commission Action, 2. Mitigated Negative Declaration/ Initial Study, 3. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, 4. Project Data and Maps, 5. City's Design Consultant Memo, 6. Resolution for Adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and, 7. Resolution for Recommendation of Council Approval of the Rezoning, 8. Resolution for Recommendation of Council Approval of the Tentative Map, 9. Conditions of Rezoning Approval, 10. Conditions of Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map Approval, 11. Development Plans - 1, 12. Development Plans - 2
Related files: 18-425
Action on Catalina Townhouse Residential Development Project at 1375 El Camino Real

The applicant, SCS Development, is proposing to develop a 54 unit townhome development, including eight live/work units, on a 2.23 acre property bounded by Civic Center Drive to the north and El Camino Real to the south.

The site is located in the El Camino Real Focus Area and would generally align with the land use and transition goals and objectives set forth in the General Plan, with the exception of the size and usability of the proposed common open space area.

Based on the General Plan analysis, staff recommends that the project is approved with 52 townhouse units with a condition that the common open space area be enlarged by approximately 1,475 square feet, which is the approximate size of the footprint of two of the proposed townhouse units. Staff finds that the current proposed project has inadequate common open space and, based on input from the City's design consultant, finds it reasonable to propose that an additional 1,475 square feet of common open space be added to the proposed development.

The applicant is requesting a rezoning of a 2.23 acre site from Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) to Planned Development (PD) and approval of a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide three existing lots into 10 lots (PLN2017-12726 and PLN2017-12728). These entitlements together would allow the development of a 54-unit residential townhouse project, including eight live-work units

The project site is on the north side of El Camino Real between Lincoln Street and Monroe Street (1375, 1385 and 1399 El Camino Real) and was previously developed with four commercial buildings occupied with automotive related businesses. The City recently approved demolition of the commercial structures to avoid potential nuisance concerns. Multi-family residential land uses are located to the north of the si...

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