Action on an Agreement Amendment with ELB US Inc. and Approval of Call No. 20.1 for Enterprise Audio-Visual Professional Services in City Facilities [Council Pillar: Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]
In March 2017, the City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Enterprise Audio-Visual (AV) Professional Service Solutions. ELB US Inc. (ELB) was determined to have submitted the best value proposal based on the City's requirements. The primary need for these services was upgrading and improving the City facilities used for public meetings and advancing staff meeting rooms with new technologies. Since 2017, ELB has provided AV upgrades in the Council Chambers, Central Library and other City buildings. ELB has been providing good service to the City and has been working well with staff to continue to integrate various systems to meet multiple departments' needs. With the current changing environment and the need for public meetings with remote participation, there is a critical importance for continued enhancements. Staff recommends amending the current Master Call Agreement with ELB to extend the contract end date by three additional years to June 30, 2023 and approve Call No 20.1 which will continue to provide maintenance support to the public meeting room upgrades and implement additional AV improvement projects across City facilities in an amount not to exceed $300,000.
On June 13, 2017, City Council approved a master call agreement with ELB US Inc. to address the audio-visual and broadcast infrastructure needs in City facilities. Call No. 17.1 was approved for the initial broadcast system equipment upgrade in the Council Chambers to improve quality, reliability, and functionality as well as provided necessary improvements in preparation for the agenda management and video streaming system implementations.
A majority of this project work was budgeted u...
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