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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-1105    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/30/2024 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 11/19/2024 Final action:
Title: PUBLIC HEARING: Action on an Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment from High-Intensity Office/Research-and-Development to newly created Urban Center Mixed Use and Urban Center Residential Mixed Use land use designations, a Rezoning to PD - Planned Development, a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and Introduction of an Ordinance to Approve a Development Agreement for a Mixed Use Project at 3005 Democracy Way comprised of up to 1,800 units (approximately 1.8 million square feet of residential uses), up to 3 million square feet of office/research-and-development, approximately 100,000 square feet of retail, and approximately 10,000 square feet of childcare facilities ("Option A"), with a project alternative ("Option B") that allows for the flexibility of up to an additional 800 dwelling units (for a total of up to 2,600 residential units) with a corresponding reduction in office/research and development square footage to 2.2 m...
Attachments: 1. 10-23-24 Planning Commission Staff Report, 2. 11-6-24 Planning Commission Staff Report, 3. Land Use Table, 4. Website Links, 5. Final EIR Resolution Option A, 6. CEQA Findings Option A, 7. Final EIR Resolution Option B, 8. CEQA Findings Option B, 9. Final EIR Attachment 3 Impacts of Option B, 10. General Plan Amendment Resolution Option A, 11. General Plan Amendment Resolution Option B, 12. PD Rezoning Resolution Option A, 13. PD Rezoning Conditions of Approval Option A, 14. PD Rezoning Resolution Option B, 15. PD Rezoning Conditions of Approval Option B, 16. PD Rezoning Resolution Option B, PC Recommendation, 17. PD Rezoning Conditions of Approval Option B, Planning Commission Recommendation, 18. Tentative Subdivision Map Resolution Option A, 19. Tentative Subdivision Map Resolution Option B, 20. Tentative Vesting Subdivision Map Conditions of Approval, 21. Development Agreement Ordinance Option A, 22. Development Agreement Option A, 23. Development Agreement Ordinance Option B, 24. Development Agreement Option B, 25. Public Correspondence, 26. Keyser Marston Associates Peer Review of Fiscal Impact Analysis, 27. POST MEETING MATERIAL, 28. Ordinance No. 2074 Intro, 29. Resolution No. 24-9396 (Final EIR), 30. Resolution No. 24-9397 (General Plan Amendment), 31. Resolution No. 24-9398 (PD Rezoning), 32. Resolution No. 24-9399 (Tentative Subdivision Map)
PUBLIC HEARING: Action on an Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment from High-Intensity Office/Research-and-Development to newly created Urban Center Mixed Use and Urban Center Residential Mixed Use land use designations, a Rezoning to PD - Planned Development, a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and Introduction of an Ordinance to Approve a Development Agreement for a Mixed Use Project at 3005 Democracy Way comprised of up to 1,800 units (approximately 1.8 million square feet of residential uses), up to 3 million square feet of office/research-and-development, approximately 100,000 square feet of retail, and approximately 10,000 square feet of childcare facilities ("Option A"), with a project alternative ("Option B") that allows for the flexibility of up to an additional 800 dwelling units (for a total of up to 2,600 residential units) with a corresponding reduction in office/research and development square footage to 2.2 million square feet.

Promote and Enhance Economic, Housing and Transportation Development

In March of 2022, the applicant, Kylli Inc., submitted the subject project proposal, known as Mission Point, to redevelop the subject 48.6-acre site located on the south side of Tasman Drive between Old Ironsides Drive to the east, Patrick Henry Drive to the west, and the right-of-way associated with the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct to the south, with up to 4,913,000 gross square feet of new development, including:

* 1.8 million square feet of residential uses (up to 1,800 units),
* up to 3 million square feet of office/research-and-development (R&D),
* up to 100,000 square feet of commercial retail,
* approximately 10,000 square feet of childcare facilities, and
* an 18,000 square-foot electrical substation may also be constructed on-site.

The project proposal includes a General Plan Amendment from High-Intensity Office/...

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