Action on confirmation of the boundary of the Downtown Precise Plan planning area
From October 2015 to November 2017 the City conducted a series of Downtown Revitalization Committee community workshops focused on establishing a vision for the redevelopment of the City's traditional Downtown core area. Following completion of that process, the City Council directed staff to begin preparation of a Precise Plan to further advance the community's vision.
On October 2, 2018 the City Council held a study session to review the Downtown Precise Plan process and to identify community members to participate in a Downtown Community Task Force (DCTF). The staff presentation at the study session included a depiction of the anticipated boundary area for the Downtown Precise Plan consistent with the area that had been extensively discussed at the prior Downtown Revitalization Committee workshops.
As a next step staff will be conducting a Request for Proposals (RFP) process to engage a consultant team to support the preparation of the Precise Plan. An initial DCTF meeting was held on December 20, 2018 to receive input from the DCTF on the scope for the RFP. The City is scheduled to issue the RFP in early February to advance the Downtown planning process.
City staff has recently become aware of a development interest in properties located just on the west side of Monroe Street between Homestead Road and Franklin Street, just west of the Downtown Precise Plan area presented at the October 2, 2018 Council study session, and directly across from the Downtown Gateway (Silicon Sage Builders) project that is currently under construction.
This area is immediately adjacent to the proposed Downtown Precise Plan boundary. Given this proximity, any development within this area should be aligned with the efforts made in the Downtown Precise Plan to guide new development. Accordingly the RFP has been drafted to iden...
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