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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-432    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/5/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 5/29/2018 Final action: 5/29/2018
Title: Public Hearing: Action on 3402 El Camino Real Mixed Use Project The Deck
Indexes: CC
Attachments: 1. April 11, 2018 Planning Commission Report, 2. Excerpt Minutes for the Planning Commission Meeting of April 11, 2018, 3. Resolution to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, 4. Resolution to approve the Rezoning, 5. Conditions of Approval for Rezoning, 6. Development Plans, 7. POST MEETING MATERIAL, 8. Resolution No. 18-8533, 9. Resolution No. 18-8534
Related files: 18-218
Public Hearing: Action on 3402 El Camino Real Mixed Use Project The Deck

The subject application would allow rezoning of a 2.27 acre site located at 3402 El Camino Real from Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) to Planned Development (PD) to allow the development of a residential mixed-use project (PLN2017-12578). The proposed development would replace a 21,600 square foot commercial building that was damaged by fire and the existing 2,450 square foot stand-alone restaurant, "Ju Ju Bee." The proposed development would consist of a four-story mixed-use building supporting 9,919 square feet of commercial floor area, 66 apartment units, 15,392 square feet of private amenities, 58 surface parking spaces and 130 garage parking spaces.

The Planning Commission considered the project on April 11, 2018 and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to approve the requested rezoning subject to Conditions of Approval as described below. The staff report with previous attachments and excerpt minutes from the Planning Commission meeting of April 11, 2018 are included in this report.

Four members of the public spoke at the Planning Commission hearing, expressing concerns with the project. Similar comments were also submitted in correspondence. These concerns include:
- Insufficient commercial space, particularly given that the site previously housed 23,450 square feet of commercial uses
- Operation of and access to the proposed event area
- The amount of the site used for parking in excess of the Code requirements
- Safety of down ramp from upper floor
- Lack of affordable housing
- Need a wider sidewalks
- Request for larger canopy trees on El Camino Real
- Traffic related to a high density project

The proposed amount of commercial space would conform with the General Plan minimum requirement of a 0.10 commercial floor area ratio (FAR). In response to community concerns, within the project review process...

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