Public Hearing: Adoption of a Resolution Ordering the Abatement of a Nuisance Consisting of Growing Weeds in Association with the County Weed Abatement Program for 2020-2021
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On January 12, 2021, the Council adopted a resolution declaring weeds a nuisance in accordance with Chapter 8.15 of the City code, setting February 9, 2021 as the Public Hearing for citizens to bring forward their concerns or objections to the Weed Abatement Program.
The City of Santa Clara contracts with the Santa Clara County Agricultural Commissioner's Office Weed Abatement Program to manage the inspection and abatement of noncompliant parcels within the City of Santa Clara. A list of City parcels in the program is published annually by the County in the form of the 2021 Weed Abatement Commencement Report. A copy of this report is available in the City of Santa Clara City Clerk's Office as well as on the City website.
The objective of the City's Weed Abatement program is to eliminate fires whenever possible, and to reduce the severity of such fires where they cannot be eliminated. Each year, improperly managed vegetation is the cause of destructive fires that adversely impact communities throughout the State. In cooperation with the City of Santa Clara, the Santa Clara County Agricultural Commissioner's Office has developed regulations governing hazardous vegetation which can be found on the County's website.
The abatement process is most often initiated by members of the community, or by City staff proactively making referrals. Once inspection personnel verify that a hazard exists, the hazardous condition is documented, and the noncompliant parcel recorded. Following the inspection, the property owner is responsible for removing the hazard(s). If the property owner does not voluntarily abate the noted hazard(s) within the designated ...
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