Action on the Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan Including: Determination of the Adequacy of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations and an Associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP); Adoption of the Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan; Adoption of General Plan Amendments to Create New General Plan Land Use Designations and Change the General Plan Land Use Diagram from Light Industrial to Various Residential Designations; Waive First Reading and Introduce an Ordinance to Add a New Chapter 18.27 to the Zoning Code to Create Zoning Regulations for the Patrick Henry Drive Area Specific Plan and Rezoning of the Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan Area
The proposed Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan is intended to support the development of a new high-density, mixed-use urban neighborhood in close proximity to jobs, retail, services and entertainment, and to support alternative travel modes based on its proximity to the Tasman VTA Light Rail line within the Patrick Henry Drive Future Focus Area as identified in the General Plan. The Patrick Henry Drive Area is bounded by Mission College to the south, Great America Parkway to the East, the Hetch-Hetchy right-of-way to the north, and Calabazas Creek to the west. The General Plan calls for the preparation of a Specific Plan to implement the City's vision for Patrick Henry Drive and to implement related General Plan goals and policies (General Plan Policy 5.4.7.P1).
The proposed Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan includes a land use framework to develop the area into a transit-oriented neighborhood with up to 12,000 residential units and up to 310,000 square feet of non-residential uses. A second scenario would substitute office for high-density residential along the east edge of the Plan Area, amounting to an approximate total of 10,300 net new residential units, 785,000 net new square feet of office, ...
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