Action on Reappointment of Board and Commission Members, Declaring Commissioner Vacancies, and Setting Dates for Recruitment and Interviews
Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency
Board, Commission and Committee members are generally appointed to a four-year term (full term) and may serve a maximum of two consecutive full terms. In the case where an existing member is eligible for another term, past City practice has been for staff to contact those existing members and request if they would like to be re-appointed to another term. The Council then takes formal action to reappoint those existing members who indicate a desire to serve a second term. If an individual is appointed to fill a partial term, he or she may serve an additional two full terms. Full terms are effective July 1st of the appointing year and expire on June 30th of the fourth year.
Staff has continued with the past practice of reaching out to the incumbents eligible for reappointment and inquiring if there is a desire to continue to serve a second term. Regular attendance is one of the requirements to serve on a Board or Commission, staff has attached an attendance roster (Attachment 1) of all Boards and Commissions for Council's review.
The terms for the following commissioners will expire on June 30, 2022; however, staff reached out to all eligible incumbents and those who wished to be considered for reappointment to serve another term ending June 30, 2026 are listed below:
Board of Library Trustee (1) Debbie Tryforos
Civil Service (1) Franklin Felizardo
Cultural Commission (1) Louis Samara
Historical and Landmarks Commission (2) Michael Celso
Ana Vargas Smith
Planning Commission (1) Nancy Biagini
The following commissioners have served two full terms which will each end on June 30, 2022; creating three vacancies for a full-term each ending June 30, 2026; in addition, t...
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