Public Hearing: Actions on a Rezone from PD - Planned Development to HI - Heavy Industrial and Variance for the Property Located at 2201 Lafayette Street to Allow Reestablishment of Industrial Uses for a Product Engineering Development and Manufacturing Business
Promote and Enhance Economic, Housing and Transportation Development
On August 22, 2023, John Ha with Innovative Design Architecture ("Applicant"), on behalf of Cindy Cheng with Vista Grande Investment, LLC ("Owner"), filed an application to change the use of the subject site located at 2201 Lafayette Street. The proposal includes minor interior changes and site improvements to use the existing onsite building for a heavy industrial use of product engineering development and manufacturing for the business operating as Applied Innovation Group, Inc.
The project site has been vacant since April 2013 and was previously occupied by a business, "Union Stone" (a construction materials retail showroom and warehouse). In 2005, the City Council approved a request (File No. PLN2005-05047) to rezone the parcel (APN: 224-04-082) from Heavy Industrial (MH) to Planned Development (PD) and a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the property into three parcels: Parcel One (700 Mathew Street, APN: 224-03-086), Parcel Two (2201 Lafayette Street, APN: 224-03-087) and Parcel Three (Parking lot along Mathew Street, APN: 224-03-000). Refer to the approved site plan from 2005 (Attachment 5).
The rezoning was approved with specific conditions of approval restricting the use of Parcel Two to construction materials retail showroom/warehouse only. A Parking Agreement was also executed between Parcel One and Parcel Two, where 10 parking spaces on Parcel Three would be available for use by Parcel Two.
On July 18, 2023, the City Council approved a request (PLN23-00054) to rezone the property at 700 Mathew Street (Parcels One and Three) from PD to MH for the use of ...
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