Action on a Resolution for the Use of City Electric Forces at Various Locations [Council Pillar: Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]
Charter Section 1310 titled Contracts on Public Works states, in part, “that every contract involving an expenditure of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the construction or improvement (excluding maintenance and repair) of public buildings, works, streets, drains, sewers, utilities, parks and playgrounds shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder.” The section further states that “the City Council may declare and determine that, in its opinion, the work in question may be performed better or more economically by the City with its own employees, and after the adoption of a resolution to this effect by at least four affirmative votes, it may proceed to have said work done in the manner stated, without further observance of the provisions of this section.”
Staff believes that the work described below is best and most efficiently performed with City forces based upon the following factors: (1) the work is limited in size and scope; (2) City forces have knowledge and training in operating and maintaining the electric system that can be leveraged to more economically perform this work; and (3) bidding out the work and contracting with a private entity would not likely result in a lower overall cost or time savings. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council make a finding that City forces can better perform the installation of the following electric facilities and approve the use of City forces.
Estimate Number: 36298
Location: 753 Poplar Street
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Install new 45’ class 1 pole to replace existing rotten pole. Replace existing 25kVA overhead transformer.
Estimated Cost: $5,609
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Customer Service Charge
Estimate Number: 36351
Location: South side of El Camino Real north of Benton Street
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Remove 360’ of underground high voltage cable to allow developer conduit rework. Install 360’ underground high voltage cable and 6 splices.
Estimated Cost: $12,085
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Contribution in Aid of Construction
Estimate Number: 34872
Location: 1627 Monroe Street
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Pull conductors through new conduit from (E) Secondary box to (N) Secondary box, attach to (E) source in secondary box and customer service lines; install 3 meters.
Estimated Cost: $4,517
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Customer Service Charges
Estimate Number: 34668
Location: Reed Street between Lafayette and Grant Street
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install 1 padmounted transformer, 600’ underground cable, 10 new streetlights and 300’ streetlight conductors. Connect customer service and install meter for facility service.
Estimated Cost: $56,353
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36406
Location: 1375 El Camino Real
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Remove BT-2019 between MH-857 & MH-858 and replace once the developer installs conduit.
Estimated Cost: $6,304
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 35697
Location: 2200 Lawson Lane
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install 3-277/480V padmount transformers and pull new primary conductor to provide office building, amenity building, and parking garage. Replace 2 leaking padmount switches.
Estimated Cost: $234,013
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 35120
Location: 2888 San Tomas Expressway
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install 2-12kV switches, 6,000’ cable, 60 splices and 42 termination elbows. Install metering for 2-12kV services.
Estimated Cost: $310,335
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution, Customer Service Charges
Estimate Number: 35684
Location: 3090 Homestead Road
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Install new 70’ Class H4 wood pole, transmission post arms, and crossarms.
Estimated Cost: $10,157
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Customer Service Charges
Estimate Number: 35747
Location: Lawrence Expressway and De Soto Avenue
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Replace Pole HS39.
Estimated Cost: $8,895
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36303
Location: Monroe Street and Reeve Street
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Replace 10 spans of overhead wire with 397 KCMIL and replace 4 poles.
Estimated Cost: $57,272
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36155
Location: 2381 Monroe Street
Type of Service: Reliability
Description of Work: Interset new pole and move service drop.
Estimated Cost: $2,008
Appropriation: Electric Utility Fund (591) Project 2006 Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36415
Location: 515 Aldo Avenue
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install 1-45’ wood pole, primary framing, 3 overhead transformers and reconfigure 4 sets of overhead service cables, and add 2 additional sets to existing customer facilities.
Estimated Cost: $11,989
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36476
Location: 4952 Bill Walsh Way
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install 600’ 15kV underground cable, 18-15kV splices and 6-15kV elbows to reroute BT loop for Northern Receiving Station power and clear facilities for a developer project.
Estimated Cost: $15,421
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36137
Location: 575 Benton Street
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install and later remove facilities for temporary construction power. Facilities include 500kVA padmount transformer, 900’ underground cable and 16,000 amp metering.
Estimated Cost: $34,411
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution, Customer Service Charges
Estimate Number: 35662
Location: 2904 Corvin Drive
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install new meter to 1,200A switchboard for construction temporary power.
Estimated Cost: $1,675
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36462
Location: 5123 Calle De Sol
Type of Service: Remove overhead 3 pot bank and padmount transformer.
Description of Work: New Business
Estimated Cost: $1,531
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36220
Location: 2445 Cabrillo Avenue
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Install 20’ riser cable on SVP pole and cover with protective moulding. Connect 2 sets customer service wires in SVP low voltage box and install 2 meters.
Estimated Cost: $1,121
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 36447
Location: 2343 Calle Del Mundo
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Remove 2 overhead 3 pot banks.
Estimated Cost: $4,539
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
Estimate Number: 35984
Location: 2305 Mission College Boulevard
Type of Service: New Business
Description of Work: Removal of 2 padmount transformers. Reconfiguration of Bridge Tap 595.
Estimated Cost: $2,513
Appropriation: Electric Utility Capital Fund (591) Project 2005 - New Business Estimate Work
Source of Revenue: Customer/Developer Contribution
The actions being considered are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines sections 15302(c) (Class 2 - Replacement or Reconstruction) because they involve the replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible expansion of capacity, and 15303(d) (Class 3 - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because they involve the construction of new electric utility extensions.
The funds to support the staff time and related construction materials for the work detailed in this report, totaling $780,748 are included in the Adopted Fiscal Year 2020/21 Capital Improvement Program Budget, as indicated by each project appropriation. Of that total amount, $680,205 is in the New Business Estimate Work and $100,543 in the Transmission and Distribution Capital Maintenance and Betterments Capital Improvement Projects.
This report has been coordinated with the Finance Department and City Attorney’s Office.
Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <>.
Adopt a Resolution approving the use of City Electric Forces for the installation of facilities at 753 Poplar Street, south side of El Camino Real north of Benton Street, 1627 Monroe Street, Reed Street between Lafayette and Grant Street, 1375 El Camino Real, 2200 Lawson Lane, 2888 San Tomas Expressway, 3090 Homestead Road, Lawrence Expressway and De Soto Avenue, Monroe Street and Reeve Street, 2381 Monroe Street, 515 Aldo Avenue, 4952 Bill Walsh Way, 575 Benton Street, 2904 Corvin Drive, 5123 Calle De Sol, 2445 Cabrillo Avenue, 2343 Calle Del Mundo, and 2305 Mission College Boulevard.
Reviewed by: Manuel Pineda, Chief Electric Utility Officer
Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager
1. Resolution - Use of City Electric Forces