Action on the proposed 1,061 square feet second floor addition to a single-family residence at 2109 Quinn Avenue
File No.(s): PLN2021-14910
Location: 2109 Quinn Avenue, a 7,091 square feet lot on the east corner of Quinn Avenue and Morrison Avenue; APN: 216-11-014; property is zoned Single-family Residential (R1-6L).
Applicant: Chuck Campanella
Owner: Angus Gavin
Request: Architectural Review of a 65 square feet first floor addition and a 1,061 square feet second story addition to an existing 1,199 square feet 3 bedroom 2 bathroom one-story single family residence resulting in a 2,338 square feet 5 bedroom 3.5 bathroom two-story single family residence with a 433 square feet attached two-car garage to remain. This project was previously heard at the June 9th Development Review Hearing.
Project Data - see Attachment 2 for larger sized table
Lot Size: 7,091 sq. ft. |
Existing Floor Area (sq. ft.) |
Proposed Addition (sq. ft.) |
Proposed Floor Area (sq.ft.) |
First Floor |
1,199 |
65 |
1,264 |
Second Floor |
n/a |
1,074 |
1,074 |
Garage |
433 |
433 |
Sheds |
289 |
(-289) |
0 |
Gross Floor Area |
1,921 |
2,693 |
Lot Coverage |
1,921/7,091 = 27% |
1,697/7,091 = 24% |
F.A.R. |
1,921/7,091 = 0.27 |
2,771/7,091 = 0.39 |
% of 2nd floor to 1st floor |
n/a |
1,074/1,697=63% |
Bedrooms/Baths |
3/2 |
5/3.5 |
Flood Zone |
X |
X |
Points for consideration
• The project includes a 65 square foot first floor addition and a 1,061 square foot second floor addition resulting in a two-story single-family residence with 5 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms.
• The second-story addition is 63% of the first-floor area.
• The proposed second story is stepped back more than 8 feet from the front wall of the first floor and 3 feet from both sides of the first-floor wall.
• The proposed addition to the residence will consist of new materials including metal roofing with charred and cedar siding.
• The project site is located in FEMA Flood Zone X, which is considered a moderate to low risk area.
• 300-feet neighborhood notice was distributed for this project review.
• There are no active code enforcement cases for this property.
Findings supporting the Staff Recommendation
1) That any off-street parking area, screening strips and other facilitates and improvements necessary to secure the purpose and intent of this title and the general plan of the City area a part of the proposed development, in that;
• The proposal provides the required two covered parking spaces within the existing 433 square-feet two car garage.
• The required parking spaces are not located in the required front yard or side yard landscaped areas.
• The proposed project provides areas surfaced with all-weather materials for parking of vehicles.
2) That the design and location of the proposed development and its relation to neighboring developments and traffic is such that it will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood, will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring developments, and will not create traffic congestion or hazard, in that;
• The proposed new residence resulting in 5 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms would not create traffic congestion or hazards.
• Public streets are adequate in size and design to serve the proposed single-family residence, and the use will not create a substantive increase in traffic.
3) That the design and location of the proposed development is such that it is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and is such as not to be detrimental to the harmonious development contemplated by this title and the general plan of the City, in that;
• The proposed development is a two-story home that is consistent with the scale similar to that of the existing surrounding neighborhood which consists of both one- and two-story residences.
• The proposed design of the two-story home is more contemporary in style, however there is no distinct architectural style in the existing surrounding neighborhood.
4) That the granting of such approval will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of said development, and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injuries to property or improvements in said neighborhood, in that;
• The project is subject to the California Building Code and City Code requirements, which serve to regulate new construction to protect public health, safety and general welfare.
• The proposed development includes a balcony on the rear side of the second floor addition that is less than 4 feet in depth which is consistent with the City’s Single Family Design Guidelines.
5) That the proposed development, as set forth in the plans and drawings, are consistent with the set of more detailed policies and criteria for architectural review as approved and updated from time to time by the City Council, which set shall be maintained in the planning division office. The policies and criteria so approved shall be fully effective and operative to the same extent as if written into and made a part of this title, in that;
• The project would create a house design that is compatible in scale and character with the housing types that are typical in the neighborhood as the proposed two-story design of the subject property will have similar massing and height to the adjacent properties.
Conditions of Approval:
1) The garage shall be maintained clear and free for vehicle parking use at all times. It shall not be used only for storage.
2) Submit plans for final architectural review to the Planning Division and obtain architectural approval prior to issuance of building permits. Said plans to include, but not be limited to: site plans, floor plans, elevations, landscaping, lighting and signage.
3) Landscaping installation shall meet City water conservation criteria in a manner acceptable to the Director of Community Development.
4) Maintain the front yard landscaping between the house and sidewalk. New landscape areas of 500 square feet or more or rehabilitated landscape areas of 2,500 square feet or more shall conform to the California Department of Water Resources Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.
5) The applicant shall plant and maintain a street tree in the front yard. Tree shall be planted prior to the final inspection by the Building division and verified by planning staff.
6) Developer/Owner is responsible for collection and pick-up of all trash and debris on-site and adjacent public right-of-way.
7) Construction activity shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays for projects within 300 feet of a residential use and shall not be allowed on recognized State and Federal holidays.
8) Incorporate Best Management Practices (BMPs) into construction plans and incorporate post construction water runoff measures into project plans in accordance with the City’s Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program standards prior to the issuance of permits.
Categorical Exemption per CEQA 15301(e)(1), Existing Facilities
There is no impact to the City for processing the requested application other than administrative staff time and expense typically covered by processing fees paid by the applicant.
On July 15, 2021, a notice of public hearing of this item was posted within 300 feet of the project site and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. Planning Staff has not received public comments for this application.
Approve the proposed 1,061 square feet second story addition to an existing 1,199 square feet 3 bedroom 2 bathroom one-story single family residence resulting in a 2,338 square feet 5 bedroom 3.5 bathroom two-story single family residence with a 433 square feet attached two-car garage for the property located at 2109 Quinn Avenue, subject to conditions.
Prepared by: Tiffany Vien, Assistant Planner, Community Development Department
Approved by: Gloria Sciara, Development Review Officer, Community Development Department
1. Development Plans
2. Project Data