Public Hearing: Approve a General Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Moonlite Lanes Townhomes Project located at 2780 El Camino Real
The proposed project is the redevelopment of a 2.87 acre commercial property located at 2780 El Camino Real to a residential use. The project application includes a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program (MMRP); General Plan Amendment #85 from Regional Mixed Use to Medium Density Residential; a Rezone from Community Commercial (CC) to Planned Development (PD); and a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map. These applications would enable the development of a 58-lot for-sale townhome development including 13 common area lots for use as a private street, utility corridors, landscaping, and site improvements (PLN2017-12669, PLN2017-12712, PLN2017-12713, and CEQ2017-01037). The proposal includes demolition of the existing vacant Moonlite Lanes bowling alley, surface parking lot, and existing site landscaping.
The Planning Commission considered the project on May 9, 2018 and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to adopt the MND and MMRP; approve the General Plan Amendment from Regional Mixed Use to Medium Density Residential; approve the rezone from CC to PD; and approve the Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, subject to conditions. The staff report with previous attachments and excerpt minutes from the Planning Commission meeting of May 9, 2018 are included as part of this staff report.
One member of the public, Josue Garcia from the Santa Clara County Residents for Responsible Development, spoke in favor of the project stating that the development will provide construction jobs and much needed housing.
Following the public testimony, the Planning Commission discussion focused on common open space available to the residents and opportunit...
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