3315 Scott Boulevard Tentative Parcel Map
The applicant is requesting approval of a Tentative Parcel Map (PLN2017-12992) to subdivide an existing 6.95-acre into two parcels at 3315 Scott Boulevard. The existing parcel is identified as Parcel 3 and the two new parcels as a 2.56 acre Parcel A and a 4.3 acre Parcel B on the proposed Tentative Subdivision Map exhibit (Attachment 4). No new development on the site is proposed with this subdivision. The applicant's justification for the subdivision is provided with this report (Attachment 3).
Per the Municipal Code, consideration and action on a Tentative Parcel Map is a function of the City Council. No Planning Commission recommendation is required for minor subdivisions of four lots or less.
Tentative Parcel Map applications are reviewed for General Plan and Zoning Code consistency and to insure that the resulting parcel lines will not result in operational issues. The buildings, parking and circulation for the existing campus, including the subject Parcel 3, was previously approved as the 3333 Scott Campus project. All parcels on the campus, including the proposed Parcels A and B, will be part of an Association with recorded Covenants, Conditions, Easements, and Restriction (CC&Rs). The CC&Rs detail the shared use and maintenance of utilities, parking spaces (surface and garage), drive aisles, pedestrian walkways, trash, landscaping, and other related facilities.
The proposed Tentative Parcel Map would subdivide a parcel to allow two existing buildings to be on separate parcels. The proposed action is a minor land division and does not involve new development. The proposed map facilitates land use activity consistent with the intended uses for the site's Low Intensity Office/Research & Development General Plan designation, and the proposed map is consistent with the applicable regulations in the ML (Light Industrial) zoning district. App...
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