Action on a Multimodal Improvement Plan for the City Place Project
As a member agency of the Santa Clara County Congestion Management Program (CMP), the City of Santa Clara (City) is required to prepare and adopt a Multimodal Improvement Plan (MIP) to address the seven CMP intersections that are impacted as identified in the City Place Project (Project) Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The MIP includes $23,414,000 in various transportation projects and programs designed to improve the overall multimodal network (i.e. vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit) with a majority of the cost to be funded by the Project and the balance funded by the City.
The City of Santa Clara is a member agency of the Santa Clara County Congestion Management Program (CMP), which is administered by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). The purpose of the CMP is to develop a comprehensive transportation improvement program among local jurisdictions that will reduce traffic congestion and improve land use decision making and air quality from a regional perspective. Currently, there are 22 signalized intersections in the City that are classified as CMP facilities due to the significance of these facilities on the regional transportation network. Typical CMP facilities in the City include intersections at: 1) key arterial roadways, 2) County of Santa Clara expressways, and 3) Caltrans freeway on/off ramps. As a member agency, the City has certain responsibilities which include monitoring and managing congestion at these intersections. Compliance with CMP standards is necessary for the City to receive gas tax funding for transportation improvements.
In situations where projects within the City limits cause CMP facilities to operate at levels below CMP minimum standards, California's Congestion Management Program statute (California Government Code Section 65089.4) requires that a Defic...
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