Action on a Variance to Maintain a One-Car Garage with a 589 Square Foot Second-Story Addition to a Single-Family Residence at 2663 Sonoma Place
On April 3, 2022, the applicant, Ramin Zohoor, filed an application for a Variance to construct a 589 square foot second story addition to an existing single-family residence and maintain an attached one-car garage. The City's Zoning Code requires that a single-family residence be provided with two covered parking spaces. The City's historic practice was to require that a non-conforming single-family residence be brought into conformance with the parking requirement when there is an addition of 500 square feet or more. However, the Zoning Code does not currently specify any exceptions to the general requirement that structures be brought into full conformance when they are expanded.
The subject site is located in a residential development tract that was originally constructed with one-car garages. Many of the homes in this neighborhood have requested Variances to retain a one-car garage for additions over 500 square feet.
The applicant is requesting a Variance to allow a 589 square foot addition to an existing 1,481 square foot single-story residence with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an attached one-car garage. The Variance is required to allow the applicant to maintain the existing one-car garage where two covered parking spaces are required for a single-family residence and an addition to the property otherwise requires that the project be brought into conformance with the Zoning Code. The applicant has provided a statement of justification for the proposed Variance attached to this staff report as Attachment 1 for review.
The project site is located in an older neighborhood with lot widths narrower than typical. While the required minimum lot width in the R1-6L zone is 60 feet, the subject property is 40 feet in width. The substand...
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