Public Hearing: Action on Project Approvals for the Proposed 65 Residential Unit Affordable Housing Project at 2330 Monroe Street [Council Pillar: Promote and Enhance Economic and Housing Development]
The proposed project includes the development of 65 affordable residential units to be constructed by Freebird Development Company, LLC (Freebird).
The City, as Housing Successor to the dissolved redevelopment agency, was designated to assume all housing assets (including land) of the former redevelopment agency and these assets were placed into a Housing Successor Fund. As the Housing Successor, the City must initiate development activities on any land that it obtained from the former redevelopment agency within five years after the Department of Finance confirmed the property as a housing asset and consistent with the intent to provide housing affordable to persons and families of low and moderate income.
The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in 2018 for the development of an affordable housing project on the City owned property located at the southeast corner of Monroe Street and San Tomas Expressway (2330 Monroe Street). Freebird was selected as the developer for the site through the RFP process and the City Council approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with Freebird in December 2018 to allow the project to proceed. Since that time, Freebird has been working with the City to process entitlements and to negotiate the terms of a Disposition and Development Agreement.
This report requests Council consideration of key project approvals that would allow for the development of up to 65 affordable housing units on City-owned land. These approvals include:
* Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)
* Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
* General Plan Amendment from Right of Way to Medium Density Residential
* Rezoning from Single Family (R1-6L) to Planned Development (PD...
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