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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 19-1229    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/29/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 2/19/2019 Final action:
Title: Public Hearing: Action on a Rezone and Tentative Parcel Map for the Development of Three Single-family Dwellings Located at 1444 Madison Street and 1411 Lewis Street
Attachments: 1. Excerpt of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 12.12.pdf, 2. Planning Commission Staff Report of December 12, 2018, 3. Excerpt of Historical and Landmarks Commission Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2018, 4. Historical and Landmarks Commission Staff Report of October 4, 2018, 5. Excerpt of Historical and Landmarks Commission Meeting Minutes of April 5, 2018, 6. Project Data, 7. Justification Packet, 8. Development Plans with Tentative Parcel Map, 9. Resolution for Rezoning from R3-36D to PD, 10. Resolution for a Tentative Parcel Map, 11. Conditions of Approval for Rezoning, 12. Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map, 13. POST MEETING MATERIAL, 14. Resolution No. 19-8670, 15. Resolution No. 19-8671
Public Hearing: Action on a Rezone and Tentative Parcel Map for the Development of Three Single-family Dwellings Located at 1444 Madison Street and 1411 Lewis Street

The applicant is requesting a rezoning from medium-density multiple dwelling (R3-36D) to the PD zoning district and the approval of a Tentative Parcel Map, to allow the proposed redevelopment of the 0.3 acre property at 1444 Madison Street with three new single-family residences. The project site is at the northwest corner of Madison Street and Lewis Street and has two addresses. The site is currently developed with two primary structures, a two-story single family house with a detached garage (1411 Lewis Street), and a duplex (1444 Madison Street). A number of smaller sheds are also situated on the property. The proposed development would demolish all existing structures.

At a noticed public hearing on April 5, 2018, the HLC reviewed the historical eligibility of the existing structures on the property for listing on the City's Historical Resource Inventory (HRI) and made a recommendation that the City Council deem the site ineligible for listing on the HRI and also recommended that the City require submittal of a replacement plan prior to granting approval of demolition. Subsequently, at the May 29, 2018 Council meeting the City Council deemed the site ineligible for listing on the HRI, allowing the applicant to conduct demolition of the existing residence in conjunction with a development proposal for the site without additional analysis for historical impacts.

The current application for rezoning to Planned Development (PD) and subdivision of the property was also subsequently reviewed by the HLC on October 4, 2018 because the property is located within 200 feet of three listed resources on the HRI. The HLC determined the current proposal to be compatible with the neighborhood and adjacent historic resources and consistent with the City's...

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